Monday, September 1, 2008

James Bopp from Nat'l Right to Life Endorses Embryo Experimentation

In recent years, National Right To Life has progressively become less and less pro-life. Earlier in this presidential campaign season NRTL endorsed Fred Thompson for President. This is the same Fred Thompson that opposes any law that would actually prevent a woman from aborting her unborn child.

They have recently endorsed John McCain for president because apparently he is saying all the right words to get their support. McCain is now saying that he's pro-life and that life begins at conception. He also says that has always been his position. If he has always believed that life begins at conception, he has betrayed that position on many occasions.

McCain has endorsed experimentation on human embryos (unborn children) to try to find cures for disease... when a true pro-lifer would be seeking a cure for killing unborn children.

McCain also has often said he opposes the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, yet he says now he is for overturning Roe vs. Wade.

Now I am all for personal repentance and genuinely changing one's heart and mind... but McCain insists that he has always been pro-life and that he has been consistent in his positions. If he now, was willing to go public and say "I was wrong and now I see the light and as a result I have changed my position." he would at least merit a look into his candidacy,

There is no evidence that McCain has changed. In fact, in the previous video he claimed to have never changed his position. Only his words have changed, not his true positions.

Now NRTL's own general council and spokesman James Bopp has gone on record as supporting the dismembering of of human embryos and experimenting on them. He has decided to split hairs to be against creating life for the purpose of experimentation, yet Bopp is all for ending life for experimentation if it isn't created for that purpose... but only for therapeutic reasons. Of course they do these experiments for therapeutic reasons...does Mr. Bopp think some are doing it just for sport?

Mr Bopp... The reasons don't matter! It is never moral to purposely end human life just to find a cure for a disease. No matter how that human life began! You have now joined the Dr. Mengele club.

Has NRTL denounced the statements of Bopp and issued a condemnation. No, they have been silent.

Why? Because NRTL is no longer a pro-life organization. It is simply a political organization and an arm of the Republican party. The same Republican party that gives them vast sums of money to endorse Republican candidates.

1 comment:

groovsmyth said...

Bravo! Keep spreading the Truth!