One would think that National "Right to Life" was founded with one clear agenda. America must recognize that unborn children have a right to life.
Now by opposing the Colorado personhood amendment, NRtL has clearly come out against the unborn having a legal right to life. How can a "right to life" organization oppose a law to recognize that an unborn child actually has a right to life?
National Right to Life has lost their way. They can no longer see what they clearly saw at their beginning.
NRtL has been promoting child killing regulations, none of which deals with the right to life of the unborn.
Parental consent laws deal only with the rights of parents to have authority over their minor children. They never even suggest that the unborn child has a right to life.
Informed consent laws deal only with biology, but never suggest that the unborn might have a right to life.
Manditory waiting times never suggest that the unborn child has a right to life.
Fetal pain laws again inform about possible fetal pain and that you have the option of making the pain go away, but never suggest that the unborn child has a right to life.
Now, as real right to life people are backing an amendment to truly recognize the legal right to life for the unborn in Colorado, NRtL actually gets in the way. Somehow legally recognizing that the unborn have a right to life doesn't fit into their strategy. The NRtL strategy becomes more convoluted as time passes. They continue to raise vast sums of money, but they do nothing to reach their original goals. If fact, it seems like they are actually opposing their original goals.
Wouldn't we be stunned if NASA decided to oppose space exploration?
It would be very shocking if the National Football League came out against football.
But, National "Right to Life" opposes the right to life and most pro-lifers seem not to even notice.
The Legacy of Judas National Right to Life
By Brian Rohrbough
President, American RTL
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