Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Please Lie To Me!

Even though the 2008 elections are still over a year away, the political wars have begun. In every war there are casualties. In the political wars, truth is almost always the first to fall.

In the Republican party most of the candidates seem more prepared for Halloween than the Presidency of the United States. Each one is wearing his “I'm the real conservative” costume, even though the costume is ill fitted at best, and tearing at the seems at worst.

Lying is common for politicians and we've come to expect it. Now it seems like we not only expect it, we let them get away with it and sometimes we actually desire it. The Christian pro-life right is especially guilty of this. Candidates who have supported legal abortion their entire careers need only say “I'm pro-life” and most of the Christians will just take his word for it. Never mind that the candidate has never done one thing to advocate the saving of even one innocent pre-born baby. Why are these Christians so easily swayed away from the truth?

Sometimes we are just naïve, wanting to give the guy the guy the benefit of the doubt, but often it is lack of effort to seek the truth. Some actually want to be lied to so that they can justify (to man) voting for a bad candidate who they think can win.

If we are going to vote, we must only vote responsibly, because we are responsible for our vote.

A naïve voter is not a responsible one... neither is a voter who won't seek or see the truth.

Matthew 10

16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

1 comment:

Karen said...

It's interesting that centuries ago the Christian church fought to be able to have the truth put into the hands of the common man. Now, many Christians say, "Just tell us what you want us to hear and we'll believe you."